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Research to Application Through Standardization

International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2023

October 30, 2023 -November 03, 2023


The ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ASTM ICAM 2023) was held Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency – Capitol Hill (Washington, D.C., USA). The conference was hosted by the ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) and supported by more than a dozen ASTM technical committees.

ICAM 2023 was ASTM’s eighth annual flagship event related to standardization, qualification, and certification with a focus on industry-specific requirements addressing the entire advanced manufacturing processes and value chains. The conference consisted of 26 symposia covering major topics and key areas in additive and advanced manufacturing. ICAM is organized by more than 100 scientific committee members, all advanced manufacturing experts from industry, academia, government and regulatory agencies, national labs, and more.

This conference addresses application specific requirements of various industry sectors in addition to covering the fundamentals of advanced manufacturing processes with the goal of transitioning research to application through standardization. Industry, academia, and government agency professionals in the AM community are invited to address the current and future state of:

  • Industry standards
  • Design principles
  • Qualification and certification
  • Innovations in the industry
  • Materials and processes
  • Data management, sharing, analysis, and beyond

ICAM set the stage to bring experts from around the world to exchange the latest developments in the field of advanced manufacturing with emphasis on the transition of research to application.

View ICAM 2023 Prospectus


Co-chairs and Organizing Committee

  • Auburn University

    Nima Shamsaei

    Director – National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME)

  • ASTM International

    Mohsen Seifi

    Vice President of Global Advanced Manufacturing Programs

A Message from Our Co-Chairs

Before advanced manufacturing technologies can be fully implemented in safety-critical applications, a clear understanding of the entire process chain and their connectivity must be established. ICAM 2023 will be the largest ASTM International scientific conference and intended to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and to transition the research to applications, focusing on the need for industry-specific standards and design principles as well as challenges with qualification and certification.

The first event of this conferenced was offered in 2016 as a workshop focused on fatigue and fractured of additively manufactured materials and parts, which evolved in a symposium in 2017. After the creation of ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) in 2018 and the growth of the additive manufacturing industry, the 5th event in 2020 turned to a major conference, the ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (ICAM) and included 19 symposia and 10 panels. The most recent conference, ICAM 2022, was held in Orlando, FL with over 850 participants, 27 symposia, 9 panel discussions, 4 keynote addresses and a keynote panel discussion. The ICAM goal is to transition of research to application through standardization.

Acknowledging the major role of additive manufacturing processes within the advanced manufacturing field, several new topics and symposia have been added over time, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, security, simulation and digital twin, automation and robotics, and more. Accordingly, the ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing will be offered as the ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (still ICAM) starting in 2023. This is an exiting transition to widen the scope of the conference to cover more advanced manufacturing technologies.

This year’s event, ICAM 2023, will have a broader scope related to standardization, qualification, and certification of advanced manufacturing processes. This event will involve even more ASTM committees and external stakeholders, setting the stage to bring experts from around the world to exchange the latest developments in the field of additive and advanced manufacturing towards the 4th industrial revolution. We invite the entire community to join us for the exchange of ideas, to learn about the most recent advancements in the field, to be a part of the journey for transitioning research to application through standardization, and to enjoy a lot of attractions that Washington DC offers.

2023 Scientific Organizing Committee
First NameLast NameOrganizationCountry
ShwetaAgarwalaAarhus UniversityDenmark
KareemAggourGE ResearchUSA
RichardAllenYaskawa MotomanUSA
HodaAmelThe MTCUnited Kingdom
AmberAndreacoGE AdditiveUSA
CindyAshforthFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)USA
MoatazAttallahUniversity of Birmingham - AMPLabUnited Kingdom
SaraBagherifardPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
AllisonBeesePennylvania State UniversityUSA
StefanoBerettaPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
AnimeshBoseOptimus AlloysUSA
ThomasBroderickAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)USA
HakanBrodinSiemens EnergySweden
FrankBrücknerFraunhofer IWSGermany
JamesBurnsUniversity of VirginiaUSA
IanCampbellWohlers AssociatesUnited Kingdom
JimmyCampbellPlastometrexUnited Kingdom
EfrainCarreno-MorelliUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Western SwitzerlandSwitzerland
GarethConduitIntellegensUnited Kingdom
CarloDe BernardiConocoPhillipsUSA
MatthewDi PrimaU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)USA
AntonDu PlessisStellenbosch University/Object Research SystemsSouth Africa/Canada
AlexeyDubovMighty BuildingsUSA
BenDuttonThe MTCUnited Kingdom
AmyElliottOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
SladeGardnerBig Metal AdditiveUSA
GiadaGaspariniUniversity of BolognaItaly
OleGeisenSiemens EnergyGermany
JoyGockelColorado School of MinesUSA
MichaelGorelikFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)USA
StevenHallThe MTCUnited Kingdom
EdwardHerderickNSL AnalyticalUSA
SimonHoegesGKN AdditiveGermany
PatrickHowardGE AviationUSA
AliKazemianLouisiana State UniversityUSA
RyanKircherrms CompanyUSA
AaronLaLondeU.S. Army CCDC-GVSCUSA
RobertLancasterSwansea UniversityUnited Kingdom
TimLantzschFraunhofer ILTGermany
AnteLausicGeneral MotorsUSA
TylerLeBrunSandia National LaboratoriesUSA
Louis-PhilippeLefebvreNational Research Council Canada (NRC Canada)Canada
JiaLiuAuburn UniversityUSA
HunterMacDonaldHexagon Manufacturing IntelligenceUSA
GuhaManogharanPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
FilomenoMartinoWAAM3DUnited Kingdom
TravisMayberryRaytheon Missiles and DefenseUSA
CraigMcClungSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI)USA
MichaelMeliaSandia National LaboratoriesUSA
SoumyaNagOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
BadriNarayananLincoln ElectricUSA
AbdallaNassarJohn DeereUSA
ThomasNiendorfUniversity of KasselGermany
AndrewNormanEuropean Space AgencyUSA
NickParryAdditive FlowUnited Kingdom
MikkelPedersonOerlikon AMGermany
JonathanPeguesSandia National LaboratoriesUSA
NamPhanNaval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)USA
NiklasPratzschFraunhofer ILTGermany
PhilipRieglerNorsk TitaniumUSA
MichaelRoachUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterUSA
AnthonyRollettCarnegie Mellon UniversityUSA
DavidRosenA*STAR-IHPC/Georgia Institute of TechnologySingapore/USA
RickRussellNorthrop GrummanUSA
NicolasSaboGeneral ElectricUSA
MattSandersStress Engineering ServicesUSA
LukeScimeOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
ShuaiShaoAuburn UniversityUSA
LukeSheridanAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)USA
TimothySimpsonPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
JutimaSimsiriwongUniversity of North FloridaUSA
Swee LeongSingNational University of Singapore (NUS)Singapore
MichaelSkocikARM InstituteUSA
SadafSobhaniCornell UniversityUSA
JamesSobotkaSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI)USA
AndrewThompsonNorthrop GrummanUSA
JasonTrelewiczStony Brook UniversityUSA
AndrewTriantaphyllouThe MTCUnited Kingdom
Janvan DoeselaarAirbusFrance
IsabellaVan RooyanPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)USA
YanWangGeorgia Institute of TechnologyUSA
TimothyWanglerETH ZürichSwitzerland
MostafaYakoutUniversity of AlbertaCanada
MarkYampolskiyAuburn UniversityUSA

ICAM 2023 Highlights


**Click here to download the NEW ICAM 2023 FINAL Program
(released on October 23)


ICAM Program Outline

Keynote Presentations

Panel Discussions


AM Applications for Automotive and Heavy Machinery

The automotive and heavy machinery industries continue to advance the use of additive manufacturing through a wide variety of manufacturing technologies and materials. The transportation industry looks to AM to enable benefits through redesign of existing components as well as part consolidation, in order to improve cost, performance, and lead time. Successful implementations have focused on the ability of AM to enable low volume solutions, but high-volume production remains a challenge. Barriers to adoption include the cost of AM production tied to large capital investment and low AM build rates, the need for suitable and cost effective materials, and a lack of data and standards to facilitate adoption with confidence in quality assurance compounds these concerns.


Eric Johnson, Eaton, USA
Aaron LaLonde, U.S. Army CCDC-GVSC, USA
Ante Lausic, General Motors, USA
Thierry Marchione, Caterpillar, USA
Simon Pun, Divergent, USA


AM Applications in Aviation

The aerospace industry is one of the primary sectors which leverages additive manufacturing to its fullest extent. Cost savings, weight reduction, functional improvements and schedule optimization are the key drivers, which can be achieved by redesigning many existing components, new design concepts and through part consolidation. New materials with superior or similar properties, capable process controls and process stability, and novel design methodologies are the key enablers. However, related standards, as well as qualification and certification (Q&C) practices may need to be reevaluated/updated for additively manufactured products.


Cindy Ashforth, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA
Thomas Broderick, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA
Jim Dobbs, Boeing, USA
Mikkel Pederson, Oerlikon AM, Germany
Jan van Doeselaar, Airbus, France


AM Feedstock: Characterization, Specification and Reuse

Additive manufacturing feedstocks are available for a broad range of material types and in various forms, including powder, wire, filament, inks, etc. New offerings are continuously introduced to the market with varied and unique characteristics. In some cases, all of the critical feedstock characteristics which significantly impact the quality of each process step are not fully understood quantitatively. Therefore, a proper understanding of AM feedstock characteristics and key variables contributing to their performance can be essential for production of AM parts with repeatable quality. New characterization methods, acceptance criteria, and standards are to be developed for the complete characterization of the feedstock materials.


Edward Garboczi, NIST, USA
Steven Hall, The MTC, UK
Louis-Philippe Lefebvre, National Research Council Canada (NRC Canada), Canada
Saritha Samudrala, A*STAR-ARTC, Singapore
Tony Thornton, Micromeritics, USA
Frank Venskytis, Consultant, USA


AM for Defense Applications

Additive manufacturing enables modernization and more capable defense systems through the fabrication of highly optimized and complex parts. It also enables improved readiness by providing an alternative route to manufacturing hard to source spare parts and parts at the point of need, e.g. by battle damage repair or temporary spare parts manufactured onsite. Because of this, the defense industry has taken a lead in advancing and maturing this technology. However, the existing commercial standards, military standards, airworthiness standards, and certification practices may be difficult to apply or are not relevant to AM parts. Thus, new standards and practices need to be developed to facilitate broader and more rapid adoption.


Travis Mayberry, Raytheon Missiles and Defense, USA
Nam Phan, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), USA
Brandon Ribic, NCDMM, USA
Ankit Saharan, EOS, USA
Luke Sheridan, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA


AM for Space Applications

Space flight is a unique industry which utilizes additive manufacturing to its fullest potential, often resulting in geometrically complex and integrated designs that only can be fulfilled by AM. Along with structural integrity, new materials, novel designs and advanced post processing techniques are key enablers. Yet, standards, qualification and certification practices require updates for AM products for space applications.


Cory Cunningham, Boeing, USA
Eliana Fu, Trumpf, USA
Andrew Norman, European Space Agency (ESA), USA
Rick Russell, Northrop Grumman, USA
John Vickers, NASA, USA


AM of Non-Metallic Materials *NEW*

This new symposium focuses on progress in additively-manufactured non-metallic materials with emphasis on the latest advancements with reference to mechanical performance and novel applications and use cases. Symposium topics include ceramics, composites, polymer, electronics, and more. In addition, this symposium will highlight the maturation of additive manufacturing technologies and processes with these non-metallic materials and how they work together to produce complex geometries with suitable structural and functional properties.


Shweta Agarwala, Aarhus University, Denmark
Brandon Cox, Honeywell, USA
Sean Looi, Creatz3D, Singapore
Jonathan Seppala, NIST, USA
Sadaf Sobhani, Cornell University, USA


Application of AM in Construction on Earth and Beyond

Additive manufacturing in construction has made the headlines in many news channels, both AM specific and mainstream, with different governments putting resources into R&D with the objective to improve efficiency through reduced manpower, cost, and lead time. Besides revolutionizing how structures are built on earth, as humanity once again looks to the stars, many also see AM as ideally suited for construction on the Moon and Mars. This symposium aims to explore the current state of the art in development of AM techniques for construction across the globe with a focus on what is realistic now and what is a future possibility.


Alexey Dubov, Mighty Buildings, USA
Michael Fiske, NASA-JSEG, USA
Giada Gasparini, University of Bologna, Italy
Ali Kazemian, Louisiana State University, USA
Timothy Wangler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


Application of AM in Energy, Maritime and Oil & Gas

The pace of AM technology diffusion and maturity varies across different industry verticals. As compared to the aerospace, automotive, and medical, the adoption of additive manufacturing in the energy, maritime, and oil & gas industries has been moderate and is still very nascent. However, these sectors are aggressively exploring the potential of using additive manufacturing to improve operational efficiency. Many stakeholders in energy, maritime, and oil & gas have already demonstrated the capability of using additive manufacturing to produce key components, which has triggered increased interest within these industries.


Hakan Brodin, Siemens Energy, Sweden
Carlo De Bernardi, ConocPhillips, USA
Matt Sanders, Stress Engineering Services, USA
Valeria Tirelli, AIDRO, Italy
Isabella Van Rooyan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA
Mostafa Yakout, University of Alberta, Canada


Application of AM in the Medical Industry

The medical industry is one of the key sectors to take advantage of additive manufacturing technology. AM’s unique capability to design and rapidly fabricate complex geometries using a diverse array of materials has enabled the ever-growing adoption of this technology in biomedical applications. Despite the tremendous opportunities that AM offers in manufacturing patient-specific biomedical devices with custom and complex designs in orthopedic devices, the full potential of AM to serve the medical sector has not been fully explored. Advancements in regenerative medicine, medical device fabrication, and surgical planning is enabling a broader adoption of AM in the critical medical industry. In addition, special attention is required for standardization, qualification and certification protocols of these products.


Matthew Di Prima, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA
David Heard, Stryker, USA
Ryan Kircher, rms Company, USA
Guha Manogharan, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Michael Roach, University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA


Design for AM

One of the critical success factors to making the most out of Additive Manufacturing (AM) is to utilize Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) fundamentals and optimization techniques to take advantage of the opportunistic design freedom that additive manufacturing allows. As AM technology evolves, design and optimization go beyond the traditional user-CAD input. Engineers also need to factor in stress analysis, thermal analysis, process simulation, microstructural evolution modeling, material-process-microstructure-property relationships, and cost estimation to effectively influence the design of AM components.


Ian Campbell, Wohlers Associates, United Kingdom
David Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology/A*STAR-IHPC, USA/Singapore
Tim Simpson, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Andrew Thompson, Northrop Grumman, USA
Andrew Triantaphyllou, The MTC, UK


Directed Energy Deposition Processes and Applications

Directed energy deposition (DED) processes offer many unique capabilities for component manufacturing and repair applications. Many industries, including aerospace, energy, mining, and construction, have begun realizing the benefits of these processes in recent years, while other industries are still in the nascent stages of adoption.


Frank Brückner, Fraunhofer IWS, Germany
Slade Gardner, Big Metal Additive, USA
Paul Gradl, NASA-MSFC, USA
Filomeno Martino, WAAM3D, UK
Badri Narayanan, Lincoln Electric, USA


Economics and Sustainability of AM

In a relatively short time, additive manufacturing has developed from a prototyping tool to an industrial-scale manufacturing platform. Alongside this growth, and broader technology developments, there has been increasing importance and significant progress in the areas of sustainability and economics.


Alexandre Donnadeiu, 3YOURMIND, USA
Marius Lakomeic, EOS, Germany
Behrang Poorganji, Morf3D, USA
Nicolas Sabo, General Electric, USA


Environmental Effects on AM Alloys and Parts

Additive manufacturing has evolved over the past decade and research has primarily focused on the evaluation of microstructure characterization and mechanical performance with limited emphasis on environmentally induced degradation modes. However, understanding environmental effects (e.g., corrosion, decomposition, stress corrosion cracking, etc.) on additively manufactured alloys is critical to enable use in structural components for engineering applications.


James Burns, University of Virginia, USA
Ole Geisen, Siemens Energy, Germany
Jiadong Gong, QuesTek, USA
Michael Melia, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Jason Trelewicz, Stony Brook University, USA


Fatigue and Fracture of AM Materials and Parts

The rapid adoption of additive manufacturing across numerous industry sectors with a wide variety of applications requires methodologies for the characterization and mitigation of risk arising from material flaws. For safety-critical applications, it is particularly important to understand how material characteristics and process defects typical to AM (e.g., pores, lack of fusion, surface roughness, etc.) affect component integrity. Understanding these effects is complicated by the lack of historical data, the potential for variability in AM processes, and the rapid evolution of the technology. The qualification, certification, and safe continued use of AM products in fatigue-critical applications will depend not only on a basic understanding of damage mechanisms and the associated behavior of typical AM defects, but also on the development of robust, validated models and software for predicting fatigue life and fracture risk.


Stefano Beretta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Craig McClung, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), USA
Thomas Niendorf, University of Kassel, Germany
Jutima Simsiriwong, University of North Florida, USA
Douglas Wells, NASA-MSFC, USA


General Topics in AM: Materials and Processing, Post-Processing, Qualification and Safety

In order to produce end-use parts, additive manufacturing involves many pre-processing and post-processing steps, that are required to be safe and under control. These, sometimes non-obvious, steps result from different auxiliary requirements that are not always in the mainstream discussion.


Hoda Amel, The MTC, UK
Sara Bagherifard, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nik Hrabe, NIST, USA
Tim Lantzsch, Fraunhofer ILT, Germany
Tyler LeBrun, Sandia National Laboratories, USA


Industry 4.0: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in AM

The rapid advancement of additive manufacturing technologies and increased adoption of the technologies in industry have coincided with the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI & ML) in the mainstream. A massive amount of data is being generated in AM from various steps of the AM process, including design, process planning, building, in-situ monitoring, post-processing, inspection, characterization, and testing, as well as operation performance, during the service life of the component. Further, a high number of parameters are being defined for monitoring and control of AM processes. Both data and parameters make AM a great candidate for AI and ML applications. The objective of applying AI & ML is to better understand underlying physical phenomena in AM and fine tune the AM processes.


Kareem Aggour, GE Research USA
Gareth Conduit, Intellegens, UK
Shaw Feng, NIST, USA
Jia Liu, Auburn University, USA


Industry 4.0: Data Management for AM

Additive manufacturing presents us with a unique opportunity of generating massive amounts of data from various steps of the AM process, including design, process planning, building, in-situ monitoring, post-processing, inspection, characterization, and testing, as well as operation performance, during the service life of the component. While such data can be used to better understand key process variables (KPVs) and support decision making, it simultaneously presents a big data management challenge. Methods of AM data labeling, acquisition, storage, analysis, security, and sharing are yet to be fully explored. While many companies have developed internal procedures to address the above challenges, the AM community would benefit from standards and best practices that are widely accepted and available to the general public, particularly small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).


Amber Andreaco, GE Additive, USA
Wentao Fu, Boeing, USA
Hunter MacDonald, Hexagon, USA
Nick Parry Additive Flow, UK
Luke Scime, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA


Industry 4.0: Robotics and Automation in AM

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are the latest evolution of the CAD/CAM breakthroughs of the last few decades. They have enabled innovation and speed to market though faster prototyping and optimized part geometries. Combining robotics and automation with AM processes is unlocking new production capabilities and scale. Our challenge now is to bring this technology to the production line increasing production efficiency, reducing cost per part produced, and enhancing safety. This symposium will bring together experts from robotics, automation, and additive manufacturing to talk through these challenges, share new capabilities, and propose strategies to take the next step.


Richard Allen, Yaskawa Motoman, USA
Joseph Falco, NIST, USA
Philip Freeman, Boeing, USA
Michael Skocik, ARM Institute, USA


Industry 4.0: Security Aspects of AM

Advancing towards the vision of Industry 4.0, information sharing via a distributed manufacturing framework internally in an organization and over the global internet becomes increasingly utilized with additive manufacturing. AM is a direct digital manufacturing method, and as the AM equipment becomes more closely interconnected with other components of Industry 4.0, it becomes exposed to a variety of cyber- and cyber-physical attacks. Therefore, security of AM should be addressed in a holistic manner. This includes but is not limited to identifying cyber-security threats in AM and how they can be addressed, to ensure and support the advancing of manufacturing to a whole new level. This symposium explores specific security aspects for AM in an Industry 4.0 environment.


Chris Adkins, Materialise, USA
Joshua Lubell, NIST, USA
Yan Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mark Yampolskiy, Auburn University, USA


Mechanical Testing of AM Materials

Established testing standards exist for deriving different mechanical properties; however, it has become clear that conventional procedures may not always be applicable to additive manufactured materials due to the nature of the additive fabrication process. Additionally, unique mechanical characteristics and property dependence often exist under different conditions such as geometry, process parameters and post-process procedures.


Allison Beese, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jimmy Campbell, Plastometrex, UK
Joy Gockel, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Edward Herderick, NSL Analytical, USA
Robert Lancaster, Swansea University, UK
Jason Ten, A*STAR-SIMTech, Singapore


Microstructural Aspects of AM

Key performance metrics and characteristic properties of additively manufactured components are often different from their conventionally manufactured counterparts, owing to AM materials’ distinctive microstructural features (e.g., strong texture, columnar grains, etc.) and possible process induced defects (e.g. lack of fusion/pores, cracks, surface features, etc.). These characteristics arise because of processing conditions unique to AM, such as layer-wise fabrication and exceptionally high cooling rates. It is therefore important to explore the various microstructural characteristics of AM materials and their impact on properties via experiments, models and simulations.


Moataz Atallah, University of Birmingham – AMPLab, UK
Robert Higham, University of Bolton, UK
Soumya Nag, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
Jonathan Pegues, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Anthony Rollett, Carnegie Mellon University
Swee Leong Sing, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore


Modeling, Simulation, and Digital Twins for Qualification and Certification *NEW*

This new symposium focuses on recent advances in modeling and simulation that support qualification and certification of higher criticality parts built by an AM process, e.g., powder-bed fusion, direct energy deposition, etc. Here, we will focus on state-of-the-art models and simulations that are firmly in the middle of the technical readiness scale and that represent the applied technologies that will enable industry and government to have confidence in AM components. To build credibility for their models and simulations, researchers should invoke best practices, including verification, validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty reduction, sensitivity studies, and demonstration problems. Symposium topics include probabilistic methods, integrated computational materials science, digital twins, process modeling, machine learning/artificial intelligence, surrogate modeling, and insights gained from simulation ensembles.


Edward Glaessgen, NASA-LaRC, USA
Michael Gorelik, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA
Nicholas Mulé, Boeing, USA
Shuai Shao, Auburn University, USA
James Sobotka, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), USA


Non-destructive Evaluation Methods for AM

While destructive evaluation methods such as mechanical testing and microstructural characterizations are often used to evaluate mechanical performance of additive manufacturing materials and parts, nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods can provide significant insights without the need for sectioning and damaging the part. Due to the fact that the mechanical performance of AM parts is often significantly influenced by the presence of defects (i.e., pores, lack of fusion, surface roughness, etc.), understanding the critical characteristics, such as type, size, distribution, and location is key to managing performance expectations and qualification.


Anton Du Plessis, Stellenbosh University/Object Research Systems, South Africa/Canada
Ben Dutton, The MTC, UK
Patrick Howard, GE Aviation, USA
Philip Riegler, Norsk Titanium, USA


Process Control and In-Situ Monitoring Techniques in AM

As the field of additive manufacturing quickly evolves, in-process control and in-situ monitoring become more essential, as the fusion process could significantly impact quality of AM parts. The AM community recognizes that more integrated efforts to accelerate the standardization of in-situ monitoring can play a significant role in advancing AM.


Alex Benham, Dyndrite, USA
Ajay Krishnan, EWI, USA
Adballa Nassar, John Deere, USA
Niklas Pratzsch, Fraunhofer ILT, Germany


Sinter-based AM Technologies

The interest in sinter-based additive manufacturing processes continues to rapidly grow with the promise of enabling new applications by significantly reducing production costs. Sinter-based AM processes now include Binder Jetting (BJT), Material Extrusion (MEX), Material Jetting (MJT) and Vat Photopolymerization (VPP) technologies. Unique In these processes, powder material is bound together with a binding agent during the printing process, commonly referred to as a “green” or “brown” part. Secondary debinding and sintering steps are required to remove the binding agent and consolidate the powder material to the desired final density. While the potential is high, there are many challenges involved in these processes.


Animesh Bose, Optimus Alloys, USA
Efrain Carreno-Morelli, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES⁠-⁠SO), Switzerland
Amy Elliott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
Simon Hogues, GKN Additive, Germany
Benoit Verquin, CETIM, France


Student Presentation Competition

Graduate and undergraduate students are invited by ASTM Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) to participate in the student presentation competition. Student presentations will be judged by a select group of Scientific Organizing Committee members and the first, second, and third place winners will be announced during ICAM and presented with plaques and cash prizes.



ICAM 2023 Awards ceremony and networking reception was held Wednesday, November 1 in Washington, D.C. where four sets of awards were presented.

Young Professional Award

This award recognizes emerging young professionals who have made significant and continuous outstanding research contributions to the field of additive manufacturing, specifically in support of standardization development.

Awards of Excellence

The Awards of Excellence were established to recognize individuals who have made continuous and outstanding contributions to the field of additive manufacturing in the areas of Research, Education, or Standardization.

Student Presentation Competition

Graduate and undergraduate students submitted abstracts and will present them in the Student Presentation Competition symposium for the 3 awards: 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place. The student presentations will be reviewed by a select panel of judges from the ICAM 2023 Scientific Organizing Committee.

Lifetime Achievement Award

View Past Award Winners


Student Presentation Competition

Over 120 graduate and undergraduate students submitted abstracts to participate in the Student Presentation Competition.

Student presentations were be judged by a select group of Scientific Organizing Committee members on the quality of presentation, technical content presented, and adherence to the instructions provided. The first, second, and third place winners were announced during the ICAM 2023 Awards Ceremony and presented with plaques and cash prizes.

The number of students approved for this competition will depend on the quality of the submitted abstracts. Please make sure to submit your abstract only to the student competition symposium for consideration.

View Student Competition winners


Diamond Sponsors


Gold Sponsors




Supporting Government Organizations

Supporting Organizations

Media Partners


View ICAM 2023 Sponsorship Prospectus

Contact Carl Thompson at cthompson@astm.org for more information.

Short Certificate Courses

Three, short certificate courses were held on Sunday, October 29 in Washington D.C prior to ICAM 2023. These courses were instructed by members of the AM community and experts in the field covering the following topics.

Quality Assurance for Additive Manufacturing
Sunday, October 29 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

About the Course

As additive manufacturing processes are getting into mainstream industrial production, it becomes more important than ever to demonstrate Quality Assurance to create quality products. The Quality Assurance for Additive Manufacturing (AM) course will provide attendees with a strong baseline knowledge of what Quality Assurance means for AM, and what to consider when making components for critical applications. A brief overview of inspection methods will be shared, including latest research for metallics and polymer NDE.

This short course will include an interactive workshop, where the participants will be able to review a typical Quality Assurance challenge, and how you would manage it.

Course level: Beginner

Learning Outcomes

*Understand quality assurance aspects for AM process and products
*Knowledge of the quality requirements for an AM facility
*Ability to link quality concepts to the requirements of Qualification and Certification
*Appreciate the need for quality assurance for AM process chain
*Considerations while making parts for critical applications

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at individuals who wish to increase their basic experience in Quality Assurance or those who have experience from other manufacturing technologies and wish to understand where AM may be different. More experienced individuals are also encouraged to join the course to support and improve their current knowledge.


  • Martin White, ASTM International
  • Ben Dutton, The MTC
  • Wilson Vesga, The MTC
X-Ray Computed Tomography for AM
Sunday, October 29 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

About the Course

This short course provides an overall understanding of using X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) for additive manufacturing. After explanation of basic principles of CT inspection, a range of typical inspection scenarios will be demonstrated. Discussion will focus on what can be learned, what are the limitations and what best-practice guidelines can be applied. After this, some advanced applications will be discussed. This will be followed by the latest advances including artificial intelligence approaches to image segmentation and analysis, and approaches for automatic processing of data allowing inline inspection.

Course level: Beginner to Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

*Computed tomography inspection basics
*Best practice guidelines
*CT for AM typical applications
*CT for AM new applications
*CT automation and artificial intelligence approaches

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at individuals who have limited or no experience in using CT for AM. The course is also beneficial to personnel involved in CT inspection to understand AM inspection challenges.


Anton Du Plessis, Object Research Systems Inc./Stellenbosch University

Principles of Sinter-Based AM
Sunday, October 29 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

About the Course

Binder jet additive manufacturing (AM) is growing in popularity among manufacturers due to its low cost and high throughput compared with powder bed fusion AM technologies. Binder jetting works by spreading metal or ceramic powder into thin layers and then selectively binding each layer with polymer binder deposited with an inkjet printhead. After curing or setting the binder into a solid, the parts can be removed from the surrounding unbound power and processed to full density. This course will address the principles of debinding and sintering parts produced by binder jetting, including the kinetics of sintering, effect of furnace atmospheres, and general guidelines for densifying loosely bound powder parts.

Course level: Beginner

Learning Outcomes

*Understand basic concepts of debinding and sintering
*Understand the effects of process variables on debinding and sintering outcomes
*Understand warping and shrinkage that occurs during debinding

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at Manufacturing Engineers, Research Engineers, AM Process Engineers and individuals who wish to understand the fundamentals and application of Binder Jetting process.


Amy Elliott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

AM CoE by the Numbers

With decades of experience in additive manufacturing, our team of experts is integral to our work. With team members located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, the AM CoE is able to provide agile support for global initiatives.


Partners and Collaborators
Technical Experts

How can I participate?

  • Support through Research and Development

    Through the AM CoE, research priorities are identified by the top minds in the field and are matched from the start to the standards that need to be generated to ensure the resulting AM technology’s success.

  • Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization

    Consortia for Materials Data & Standardization (CMDS) enables companies of all sizes from across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem to collaborate on standardizing the best practices for materials data generation.

  • Explore On-Demand Webinars

    The webinar series provides guidance sessions on multiple and diverse topics in AM Design, Fabrication, Post-processing, Mechanical testing, Non-destructive evaluation, Applications, and Qualification and Certification.

  • Education & Workforce Development

    Comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances to respond to industry needs and leverage standardization, certification, and AM CoE partner expertise.