Meeting the large demand for a skilled workforce

Certificate Programs

Program Overview

The AM Personnel Certificate Program is designed to meet the large demand for a skilled workforce to support the rapid implementation of AM technology. These certificate programs are aimed to fill the AM knowledge gap by providing world-class training from industry leaders to equip the future AM workforce with highly valued technical skills. Personnel certificate programs comprise of General AM courses and role-based AM courses. General AM courses provide a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects of AM technology while role-based courses help to gain skill sets for specific AM roles such as Designer, Safety Manager, and Quality Engineer.

Certificate Courses

ASTM Professional Certificate Course in AM
AM Essentials for Professionals

—  AM Essentials for Professionals

Role-Based Certificate Courses

—  AM Safety Certificate

—  AM Quality Assurance Certificate

—  Design for AM Certificate

—  Establishing an AM Facility for Critical Part Production Certificate

—  AM Cyber Security Certificate

—  Intro to Inspection and Quality Assurance for AM

—  Advanced Design for AM

—  Advanced Training on Metal Powder Bed Fusion

Certificate vs. Certification

Certificate Courses

  • Advance your knowledge in a specific domain through a defined course curriculum.
  • Achieve specified learning outcomes within a defined scope by participating in a learning event or series of events.
  • Learning events and the assessments are both developed and administered by the certificate issuer.
  • Certificates do not have ongoing maintenance or renewal requirements and cannot be revoked.


  • A third-party body grants a time-limited recognition to an individual after verifying that he or she has met established criteria for proficiency or competency, usually through an eligibility application and assessment.
  • Certifying body verifies education or training and experience obtained elsewhere through an application process and administers a standardized assessment of current proficiency or competency.
  • Certifications have ongoing requirements for maintaining proficiency/competency and can be revoked for not meeting these ongoing requirements.

The outcome of all the courses offered by ASTM AM CoE is a ‘Certificate’ and doesn’t fall under the purview of Certification.

Certificate Pathways

The certificate pathways are designed to obtain progressive advancement in AM knowledge and skills. ASTM Professional Certificate Course in AM provides a strong foundational knowledge of the process chain starting from AM fundamentals to qualification and certification. Participants take role-based courses that provide a deeper understanding to perform specific roles in AM such AM Safety Engineer, Design Engineer, and Quality Engineer.

Certificate Course Management

The certificate courses offered by ASTM CoE are in compliance with requirements specified in ASTM E2659-18: Standard Practice for Certificate Programs, for developing and administering quality certificate programs.

Advisory Group for AM Certificate Program

An advisory group is constituted to oversee the conduct of the certificate courses.

Role of the Advisory Group

The role of the Advisory Group is to provide technical and operational advice to the management team of ASTM AM CoE’s personnel certificate program. The Advisory Group comprises of subject matter experts and technology leaders in additive manufacturing from Industry, Academia, Government, and Research Institutes.

Advisory Group Responsibilities

The Advisory Group will provide input into the certificate program on:

  • Target audience
  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Requisites
  • Term
  • Intended learning outcomes
  • Instructional design plan

The Advisory Group also performs:

  • Review of the course syllabus
  • Evaluation of the assessment questions
  • Oversee certificate exam and advise on resolving any appeals

Advisory Group members will convene at least twice in a year to advise the certificate program management and provide strategic direction.

Advisory Group Structure

Cindy Ashforth Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Klas Boivie SINTEF
Matthew Di Prima U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Paul R. Gradl NASA
Shane Collins Wohlers Associates
Paul Bates (cord) ASTM International

Management Team for AM Personnel Certificate Program

Nima Shamsaei Auburn University
Khalid Rafi ASTM International
Mohsen Seifi ASTM International

AM CoE by the Numbers

With decades of experience in additive manufacturing, our team of experts is integral to our work. With team members located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, the AM CoE is able to provide agile support for global initiatives.


Partners and Collaborators
Technical Experts

How can I participate?

  • Support through Research and Development

    Through the AM CoE, research priorities are identified by the top minds in the field and are matched from the start to the standards that need to be generated to ensure the resulting AM technology’s success.

  • Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization

    Consortia for Materials Data & Standardization (CMDS) enables companies of all sizes from across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem to collaborate on standardizing the best practices for materials data generation.

  • Explore On-Demand Webinars

    The webinar series provides guidance sessions on multiple and diverse topics in AM Design, Fabrication, Post-processing, Mechanical testing, Non-destructive evaluation, Applications, and Qualification and Certification.

  • Education & Workforce Development

    Comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances to respond to industry needs and leverage standardization, certification, and AM CoE partner expertise.