

Additive Manufacturing webinar series covers a variety of topic delivered by experts from industry, academia, ad regulatory bodies. The webinars provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of AM technology that allows participants to gain insights on identifying their areas of interest and to learn further on those topics.

ASTM Webinars

On-Demand Webinars

A digital library of over 25 webinars are available for on-demand access. The webinars are available for individual access or as a program. Each webinar program contains more than one webinars curated to a specific topic.

In addition, we also offer the following programs:

—  Additive Manufacturing Data Management Program

—  Additive Manufacturing Design Program

—  Additive Manufacturing Process Program

—  Additive Manufacturing with Metals Program

—  Additive Manufacturing Laser Powder Bed Fusion Program

—  Additive Manufacturing Testing Program

—  Background and Principles for Standard Terminology in AM

—  Metal Additive Manufacturing – Hidden Challenges

Upcoming Webinars


*You may also refer to our webinar calendar for more information.

Free On-Demand Webinars

Additive Construction - Industry Overview

About the Webinar:

Presented by Stephan Mansour, Additive Construction Specialist at Wohlers Associates, Powered by ASTM International.

The construction industry is progressively embracing additive construction from making small parts to large structures. As this technology advances, it promises to become an increasingly viable supplement to traditional construction methods. The term additive construction (AC) has been coined to describe technologies that build large-scale structures layer by layer. Applications of AC cover all construction sectors and expand to large-scale real estate projects, elements of buildings, entire structures, civil infrastructure, and disaster relief. AC also encompasses relevant areas of architecture, engineering, robotics, and project and facility management.

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ASTM Certified Operator for Metal PBF-LB: An Overview

About the Webinar

Presented by ASTM International and EOS

Key takeaways:
– Get a deeper understanding about the ASTM operator certification program
– Getting involved with this certification program (understanding the process of getting certified, why, what, and how to get certified)
– Why its important to qualify operators
– What this certification means to a metal PBF-LB operator
– How the operator certification program can support your QMS system

What is the ASTM PBF-LB Machine Operator Certification?

With Additive Manufacturing (AM) scaling from prototyping to production of critical components, the need to verify the competency of machine operators is increasing. In response to the market demand for a standard approach to qualify operators, ASTM International has developed a certification program that applies to personnel operating metal laser powder bed machines.

The operator certification program applies to:

  • Any contract that requires compliance to ISO/ASTM 52942 for qualified operators for the metal AM machines and associated equipment.
  • Any application standards that calls out operator qualification (OQ) as a requirement.
  • Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to quality by ensuring qualified metal AM operators.

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Impact of ISO/ASTM Standards on Product Realization

About the Webinar
ASTM International and ISO have been working on developing additive manufacturing standards to drive industrialization of AM. More than 40 standards have been published and 70 more standards are currently under development. This webinar will provide an overview about the status of ISO/ASTM International additive manufacturing standards and how these standards can be used effectively to produce AM parts for industrial applications.

Learning Objectives

After completing this webinar, the attendees will have developed an understanding of:

  • Status of AM standards development by ASTM International and ISO
  • Using Standards to create work instructions
  • How standards can reinforce the quality management system
  • How you can get involved in the standards development activity

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A Young Professional's Guide to Manufacturing Standards

About the Webinar

A Young Professional’s Guide to Manufacturing Standards.

This webinar is perfect for young professionals, undergraduate students, graduate students, and individuals looking to learn more about standards.

About the Instructor: 

Presented by Ava Wang, Additive Manufacturing Programs Intern at ASTM International and Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student at Stevens Institute of Technology.

Access Webinar Here!

AM CoE by the Numbers

With decades of experience in additive manufacturing, our team of experts is integral to our work. With team members located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, the AM CoE is able to provide agile support for global initiatives.


Partners and Collaborators
Technical Experts

How can I participate?

  • Support through Research and Development

    Through the AM CoE, research priorities are identified by the top minds in the field and are matched from the start to the standards that need to be generated to ensure the resulting AM technology’s success.

  • Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization

    Consortia for Materials Data & Standardization (CMDS) enables companies of all sizes from across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem to collaborate on standardizing the best practices for materials data generation.

  • Explore On-Demand Webinars

    The webinar series provides guidance sessions on multiple and diverse topics in AM Design, Fabrication, Post-processing, Mechanical testing, Non-destructive evaluation, Applications, and Qualification and Certification.

  • Education & Workforce Development

    Comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances to respond to industry needs and leverage standardization, certification, and AM CoE partner expertise.