Young Professional Awards
The Young Professional Award recognizes emerging young professionals who have made significant research contributions to the field of additive manufacturing, specifically in support of standards development.
Awards of Excellence
The Awards of Excellence were established to recognize members who have made continuous and outstanding contributions to the field of additive manufacturing in the areas of Research, Education, Standardization, or Industrialization.
Student Competition Presentation Awards
Graduate and undergraduate students submitted abstracts and presented them in the Student Presentation Competition symposium for the 3 awards: 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place. The student presentations were reviewed by a select panel of judges from the ICAM Scientific Organizing Committee.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Established in 2023, this award acknowledges individuals who have achieved exceptional career accomplishments and made substantial contributions to the field of advanced manufacturing.
Award Winners
Student Presentation Competition Awardees
1st Place
Claire Ticknor
University of Utah
2nd Place
Baris Kavas
ETH Zürich
3rd Place
Kaustubh Deshmukh
Virginia Tech
3rd Place
Nancy Huang
Pennsylvania State University
Student Poster Competition Awardee
1st Place
Pooja Maurya
Carnegie Mellon University
Young Professional Awardees
Alison Beese
Pennsylvania State University
Cory Cunningham
The Boeing Company
Thomas Dobrowski
Baker Hughes
Jason Fox
Matthew Kelly
U.S. Army GVSC
Sneha Narra
Carnegie Mellon University
Somayeh Pasebani
Oregon State University
Wei Xiong
University of Pittsburgh
Awards of Excellence
Chua Chee Kai
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Thomas Broderick
Federal Aviation Administration
Mark Benedict
Air Force Research Laboratory
Nik Hrabe
Lifetime Achievement Award
Terry Wohlers
Wohlers Associates, powered by ASTM International
Student Presentation Competition Awardees
1st Place
Lauren E. Katch
Pennsylvania State University
2nd Place
Giuliano Minerva
Politecnico di Milano
3rd Place
Marc D. Peters
Monash University
Young Professional Awardees
Jake Benzing
Aneta Chrostek-Mroz
Ali Kazemian
Louisiana State University
Alex Kitt
Saritha Samudrala
Singapore ARTC
David Schimbäck
Arash Soltani-Tehrani
Blue Origin
Katayoon Takerkhani
University of Waterloo
Mostafa Yakout
University of Alberta
Awards of Excellence
Olaf Diegel
University of Auckland, New Zealand Wohlers Associates, powered by ASTM International
Berok Khoshnevis
University of Southern California Contour Crafting Corporation
Matthew Di Prima
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Jim Dobbs
Boeing Research and Technology
Lifetime Achievement Award
David Bourell
University of Texas - Austin
Student Presentation Competition Awardees
1st Place
Jakob Schröder
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Germany
2nd Place
Nicole Van Handel
Arizona State University, USA
3rd Place
Elliott Jost
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Young Professional Awardees
Amber Andreaco
GE Additive
Jacob Brunsberg
Sigma Additive Solutions
Mallory James
Cambre Kelly
Behrang Poorganji
Swee Leong Sing
National University of Singapore
Awards of Excellence
Louis-Philippe Lefebvre
National Research Council Canada
Yan Lu
National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST)
Francois Richard
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Student Presentation Competition Awardees
1st Place
Stephanie Prochaska
Colorado School of Mines, USA
Graham Matheson
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Noémie Martin
Institut Clément Ader, France
Young Professional Award
Jutima Simsiriwong
University of North Florida
Sara Bagherifard
Politecnico di Milano
Anton Du Plessis
Eddie Kavanagh
Johnson & Johnson
Jason Ten
Mark Yampolskiy
Auburn University
Brandon Lane
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Brandi Briggs
Niklas Praetsch
Fraunhofer ILT
Amy Elliot
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Awards of Excellence
David Rosen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Eujin Pei
Brunel University London
Shawn Moylan
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Student Presentation Competition Awardees
1st Place
Pooriyah Dastranjy Nezhadfar, Auburn University
“Improved High Cycle Fatigue Performance of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel via In-process Refined Micro/defect Structure”
2nd Place
Tatiana Mishurova, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
“Influence of Residual Stress and Microstructure on Mechanical Performance of LPBF TI-6AL-4V”
Lukas Haferkamp, Inspire AG/ETH Zurich
“The Influence of the Particle Size Distribution of AlSi12 on Part Density in Laser Powder Bed Fusion”
Terrance Moran, Cornell University
“Scan-by-Scan Part-Scale Thermal Modelling for Defect Prediction in Metal Additive Manufacturing”
Young Professional Award
Alireza Sarraf
Lam Research
Joy Gockel
Wright State University
Jacob Rindler
The Ohio State University
Nik Hrabe
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Shuai Shao
Auburn University
Steven Hall
MTC Manufacturing Technology Centre
Ashley Spear
University of Utah
Jonathan Pegues
Sandia National Laboratories
Christian Seidel,
Munich University of Applied Sciences/Fraunhofer IGCV
Ole Geisen
Siemens Energy
Awards of Excellence
Thomas Niendorf
University of Kassel
Doug Wells
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
Benjamin Dutton
MTC - Manufacturing Technology Centre
Student Competition Presentation Award
1st Place
Jonathan Pegues, Auburn University
“Additive Manufacturing of Fatigue Resistant Materials: Avoiding the Early Life Crack Initiation”
1st Place
Yu-Chung Chang, Washington State Univerasity
“A 3D Printable Coffee/PLA Polymer Composite with Enhanced Impact Toughness”
2nd Place
Cambre Kelly, Duke University
“Scaffolds with Sheet-based Architectures Produced by SLM for Orthopedic Applications”
3rd Place
Zoe’ Jardon, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
“Physical Understanding of Propagating Waves through eSHM-system for Crack Localization”
3rd Place
Dalia Mahmoud, McCaster University
“Effect of Microstructure and Internal Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Gyroid Lattice Structures for Biomedical Implants”
Awards of Excellence
Stefano Beretta
Polytechnic of Milan
Charles Park