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On-Demand Webinar

Wire based DED - Part 2: Material Properties and their Enhancement

August 12, 2021

About the Course

This webinar, the second of the series, will primarily focus on the metals and their structure-property relationships in Wire based DED. Properties of metals such as Titanium and Nickel would be discussed in detail along with strategies to improve them using methods such as cold working.  Baseline (as deposited) properties of other metals like low alloy steel, stainless steel and aluminum would also be presented.

The webinar will also talk about the different courses offered by Cranfield University in relation to Wire based DED that would suit newcomers (to the field) and seasoned professionals alike. Here, the content and structure of these programs would be discussed thereby, potentially benefiting anyone considering to go along this route.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this webinar, attendees will achieve the following:

  • Describe the Wire based DED process and connect it with the wider manufacturing world
  • Connect the different research areas and themes in Wire based DED
  • Summarize the different metals being deposited using Wire based DED and demonstrate understanding on their properties achieved in as-deposited and through further processing (cold working and heat treatment) and compare to the properties achieved through more traditional manufacturing routes
  • Contrast the different programs available within Cranfield University to gain and/or increase specialization in AM

Who Should Attend:

Manufacturing Engineers, Research Engineers, AM Process Engineers



Dr. Supriyo Ganguly is currently a reader at the Welding Engineering and Laser Processing centre and also the Course Director for MSc in Welding Engineering and Metal Additive Manufacturing programmes at Cranfield University. Previously, he held positions at the Manchester Materials Science Centre and Open University in the UK where he was primarily involved with research in weld/material characterization. Dr Ganguly also spent 3 years at Usha Martin Industries and 7 years at Tata Steel. In the latter, he worked with iron and steel and, as a technologist in product and process development,

His present research interests include the fundamental understanding of material interaction with different heat sources, joining of dissimilar metallic alloys and application of laser/arc hybrid process. Over the course of his research career, Dr Ganguly has 86 peer reviewed publications and supervised 14 research students to completion.


Wire-Based DED Part 2: $49.00 USD

Bundle with Part 1: $75.00 USD

AM CoE by the Numbers

With decades of experience in additive manufacturing, our team of experts is integral to our work. With team members located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, the AM CoE is able to provide agile support for global initiatives.


Partners and Collaborators
Technical Experts

How can I participate?

  • Support through Research and Development

    Through the AM CoE, research priorities are identified by the top minds in the field and are matched from the start to the standards that need to be generated to ensure the resulting AM technology’s success.

  • Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization

    Consortia for Materials Data & Standardization (CMDS) enables companies of all sizes from across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem to collaborate on standardizing the best practices for materials data generation.

  • Explore On-Demand Webinars

    The webinar series provides guidance sessions on multiple and diverse topics in AM Design, Fabrication, Post-processing, Mechanical testing, Non-destructive evaluation, Applications, and Qualification and Certification.

  • Education & Workforce Development

    Comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances to respond to industry needs and leverage standardization, certification, and AM CoE partner expertise.