Today, ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) issued its third annual report, which highlights the organization’s ever-expanding research to standards portfolio, continued industry partnerships, growing list of workforce development resources, and more.
The AM CoE annual report, available here, features a summary of organizational accomplishments from the past year. Most notably from 2020 to 2021, the AM CoE built a robust portfolio of 12 new additive manufacturing research to standards projects, including several in progress that will address more than 17 standard gaps and impact 14 existing and new standards. The report also outlines the organization’s other major endeavors, including new industry collaborations, a pilot quality certification program, and a successful annual conference, its largest event to date.
“Last year, we continued to advance our partnerships, building new programs by growing our infrastructure and expertise, strengthening our global collaboration, and expanding our activities,” said Mohsen Seifi, Ph.D., ASTM International’s director of global additive manufacturing programs. “This report captures the many accomplishments of the AM CoE and will continue to serve as a guide to feature our progress.”
According to Seifi, as the AM CoE moves into its fourth year, it will continue to set ambitious goals for continued expansion of its research and development portfolio, further involvement in government-funded activities, development of new trainings, qualification, and certification programs, and improved and increased communication strategies to further disseminate its mission of additive manufacturing industrialization and increase engagement globally.
For more on the work of the AM CoE, including training, research and development, standards activities, news and events, and more, visit
AM CoE Media Contact: Tessa Sulkes, tel +1.610.832.9677;
Release #11292