August 17, 2022

ASTM International Receives Award to Develop Construction Sector Technology Roadmap

ASTM International has been awarded funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop a roadmap for guidance and adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies in the construction sector.

The funding, which totals nearly $300,000, would be used for the development of a roadmap that will seek to bring together the construction and manufacturing sectors and various aspects of advanced manufacturing including:

  • Additive manufacturing;
  • Robotics and automation;
  • Big data analytics; and
  • Artificial intelligence.

“ASTM International is grateful for this award and the opportunity to develop this effort as we know the significant impact it will have within the construction sector,” says Mohsen Seifi, Ph.D., ASTM’s vice president of global advanced manufacturing programs. “ASTM is uniquely positioned to lead this project based on a proven track record in Industry 4.0 related topics through the ASTM Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) and Wohlers Associates, powered by ASTM International.”

Seifi notes that a developed roadmap will identify and prioritize development goals that will enable acceleration and growth of potential advanced manufacturing technologies.

This is the second round of awards in 2022 through NIST via their Advanced Manufacturing Roadmap Program (MfgTech). The program aims to provide funding for the development of manufacturing technology roadmaps in advanced manufacturing domains with potential and critical interest.

In addition to ASTM International, funding was awarded to six other organizations including Edison Welding Institute Inc., the University of Houston, and Case Western Reserve University, among others. These projects aim to reduce technological adoption barriers through a joint consortium between various stakeholders. Learn more about the funded projects, here.

NIST also recently awarded Auburn University’s National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence and ASTM International’s AM CoE nearly $1 million to establish a framework that will allow for identification of critical defects and prediction of fatigue performance within non-destructive evaluation data. Learn more here.

ASTM International is also looking to collaborate with parties interested in contributing to the development of this construction technology roadmap. Interested parties can reach out at

For more information on the work of the AM CoE, visit

AM COE Media Contact: Tessa Sulkes, tel +1.610.832.9677;

Release #11518

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