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Research to Application Through Standardization

ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024

October 28, 2024 -November 01, 2024


The ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ASTM ICAM 2024) was held October 28 to November 1, 2024, at the Hilton Atlanta in Atlanta, GA, USA. This event was proudly hosted by the ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) and is further supported by over a dozen ASTM technical committees.

ICAM 2024 was the ninth annual flagship event for ASTM, emphasizing standardization, qualification, and certification, with a particular focus on industry-specific requirements encompassing the entire advanced manufacturing processes and value chains. The conference’s comprehensive agenda includes 20+ symposia, covering vital topics and key areas in additive and advanced manufacturing. ICAM is thoughtfully organized by a dedicated team of over 100 scientific committee members, all recognized as advanced manufacturing experts hailing from various sectors, including industry, academia, government and regulatory agencies, national labs, and more.

This conference addresses application specific requirements of various industry sectors in addition to covering the fundamentals of advanced manufacturing processes with the goal of transitioning research to application through standardization. Industry, academia, and government agency professionals in the AM community are invited to address the current and future state of:

  • Industry standards
  • Design principles
  • Qualification and certification
  • Innovations in the industry
  • Materials and processes
  • Data management, sharing, analysis, and beyond

ICAM set the stage to bring experts from around the world to exchange the latest developments in the field of advanced manufacturing with emphasis on the transition of research to application.




Co-chairs and Organizing Committee

  • Auburn University

    Nima Shamsaei

    Director – National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME)

  • ASTM International

    Mohsen Seifi

    Vice President of Global Advanced Manufacturing Programs

2024 Scientific Organizing Committee
First NameLast NameOrganizationCountry
CindyAshforthFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)USA
AllisonBeesePennsylvania State UniversityUSA
StefanoBerettaPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
JackBeuthCarnegie Mellon UniversityUSA
DhruvBhateArizona State UniversityUSA
AliBonakdarUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteUSA
AnimeshBoseOptimus AlloysUSA
ThomasBroderickFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)USA
FrankBrücknerFraunhofer IWSGermany
JimmyCampbellPlastometrexUnited Kingdom
EfrainCarreño-MorelliUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES⁠-⁠SO)Switzerland
PeterCouttsPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
AmandaCruchleyThe Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)United Kingdom
JasonDanielsIntegrity Training ConsultingUSA
CarloDe BernardiConocoPhillipsUSA
MatthewDi PrimaU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)USA
ChristoDordlofvaGKN AerospaceSweden
AntonDu PlessisStellenbosch University/
Comet Technologies Canada
South Africa/Canada
BenDuttonThe Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)United Kingdom
AmyElliotOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
ThomasFabianBlue Sky Polymer ConsultingUSA
RamonaFayazfarOntario Tech UniversityCanada
SamuelGatleyNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyUSA
LauraGilmourLG StrategiesUSA
JoyGockelColorado School of MinesUSA
JiadongGongQuesTek InnovationsUSA
RajeevGuptaNorth Carolina State UniversityUSA
AzadehHaghighiUniversity of Illinois ChicagoUSA
CarlHauserTWIUnited Kingdom
JessicaHemondTE ConnectivityUSA
AdamHicksAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)USA
SimonHögesGKN AdditiveGermany
PatrickHowardGE AerospaceUSA
BradleyHughesGKN AerospaceUnited Kingdom
MijalInés MassINTI - Centro de Micro y Nanoelectrónica del BicentenarioArgentina
AliKazemianLouisiana State UniversityUSA
RyanKircherrms CompanyUSA
EricKreigerU.S. Army ERDC-CERLUSA
MatthewKrohnPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
VittoriaLaghiUniversity of BolognaItaly
ErinLaniganThe Barnes Global AdvisorsUSA
TimLantzschFraunhofer ILTGermany
AnteLausicGeneral MotorsUSA
ChristopherLedfordOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
Louis-PhilippeLefebvreNational Research Council Canada (NRC Canada)Canada
SweeLeong SingNational University of Singapore (NUS)Singapore
Jia (Peter)LiuAuburn UniversityUSA
ElenaLópezFraunhofer IWSGermany
GuhaManogharanPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
FrédéricMarionGE Additive - AP&CCanada
FilomenoMartinaWAAM3DUnited Kingdom
SimonMcCaldinAuthentiseUnited Kingdom
SeanMcEligotMayo ClinicUSA
MichaelMeliaSandia National LaboratoriesUSA
RuaridhMitchinsonThe Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)United Kingdom
ThomasNiendorfUniversity of KasselGermany
AndrewNormanEuropean Space AgencyThe Netherlands
MisaelPimentelNational Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS)United Kingdom
BehrangPoorganjiNikon AM SynergyUSA
Edward (Ted)ReutzelPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
PhilipRieglerNorsk TitaniumUSA
MatthewRobinsonSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI)USA
DavidRosenA*STAR - IHPC / SIMTechSingapore
RickRussellNorthrop GrummanUSA
MattSandersStress Engineering ServicesUSA
SinaSarehRoyal College of ArtUnited Kingdom
RichardSchmidtInteractive Inks & CoatingsUSA
LukeScimeOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
ShuaiShaoAuburn UniversityUSA
TimothySimpsonPennsylvania State UniversityUSA
JutimaSimsiriwongUniversity of North FloridaUSA
ZackarySnowOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)USA
SadafSobhaniCornell UniversityUSA
JamesSobotkaSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI)USA
SoheilSoghratiOhio State UniversityUSA
NicoleTailleartU.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)USA
AndrewThompsonNorthrop GrummanUSA
LiemTranNano DimensionUSA
Isabellavan RooyenPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)USA
TimothyWanglerETH ZürichSwitzerland
CindyWatersNaval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) - Carderock DivisionUSA
ZacharyWhitmanBoeing Commercial AirplanesUSA
WeiXiongUniversity of PittsburghUSA
MostafaYakoutUniversity of AlbertaCanada
MarkYampolskiyAuburn UniversityUSA

ICAM 2024 Highlights


Final Program Agenda


Released November 04, 2024


Industrial Sector: Aviation

The aerospace industry is one of the primary sectors which leverages additive manufacturing (AM) to its fullest extent. Cost savings, weight reduction, functional improvements, and schedule optimization are key drivers which can be achieved through the redesigning of existing components, on-demand production of replacement parts, new design concepts, and through part consolidation. New materials with superior or similar properties, capable process controls, process stability, and novel design methodologies are the key enablers. However, related standards, as well as qualification and certification (Q&C) practices, may need to be re-evaluated/updated for additively manufactured products and the digital manufacturing process.


Cindy Ashforth, FAA, USA
Stephane Bianco, Airbus, France
Jim Dobbs, Boeing, USA
Bradley Hughes, GKN Aerospace, United Kingdom
Ruaridh Mitchinson, The MTC, United Kingdom

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Industrial Sector: Construction on Earth and Beyond

Additive manufacturing (AM) in construction has made headlines across many media outlets, both AM-specific and mainstream. The technology is expected to help improve the efficiency of the industry by reducing labor, costs, and construction lead time, as well as increasing workplace safety. Hence, some government and commercial industry entities are investing resources into research and development in this area to accelerate its growth and adoption.

Besides revolutionizing how structures are built on Earth, AM is also seen as an ideal technology to realize construction on other planetary bodies like the Moon and Mars. This symposium aims to explore the current state-of-the-art development of AM techniques for construction across, and outside of, the globe. Additionally, it will also focus on the current and future possibilities of the technology in this industry.


Michael Fiske, NASA-JSEG, USA
Ali Kazemian, Louisiana State University, USA
Eric Kreiger, U.S. Army ERDC-CERL, USA
Vittoria Laghi, University of Bologna, Italy
Timothy Wangler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

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Industrial Sector: Defense

Additive manufacturing (AM) enables the modernization of current defense systems. The ability to fabricate highly optimized and complex parts helps to further enhance the capabilities of these systems. Additionally, by providing an alternative route to manufacturing hard-to-source spare parts and parts at the point of need (e.g., on-site battle damage repair or on-site manufacturing of temporary spare parts, etc.), AM also helps to improve logistical readiness. As a result, the defense industry has taken the lead in advancing and maturing AM technology. However, existing standards and practices (e.g., commercial standards, military standards, airworthiness processes, and certification practices, etc.) may either be difficult to apply or are just not relevant to AM parts. Thus, new standards and practices need to be developed to facilitate broader and more rapid adoption.


Adam Hicks, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA
Travis Mayberry, Raytheon, USA
Prahbjot Singh, RTX, USA
Cindy Waters, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) – Carderock Division, USA

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Industrial Sector: Energy, Maritime, Oil and Gas

Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has gained considerable popularity in the Energy, Maritime, and Oil & Gas (EMOG) industries to move beyond prototyping and into production parts for specific applications and requirements. In comparison to the aerospace, automotive, and medical industries, the adoption of AM in the EMOG industries has been moderate and is still very nascent. However, these sectors are aggressively exploring the potential of using AM to improve supply chain lead-time, performance, and operational efficiency. These industries face some unique challenges that other; more AM advanced industries do not encounter. Many stakeholders in EMOG industries have already demonstrated the capabilities of using AM to produce high-performance components, which has triggered increased interest in more components in higher safety requirements within these industries.


Ali Bonakdar, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Carlo De Bernardi, ConocoPhillips, USA
Valeria Tirelli, AIDRO, Italy
Isabella van Rooyen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA
Mostafa Yakout, University of Alberta, Canada

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Industrial Sector: Ground Transportation and Heavy Machinery

The ground transportation (on and off road) and heavy machinery industries are looking at additive manufacturing (AM) to provide benefits through redesign and part consolidation of existing components/systems to improve performance and cost and mitigate lead time issues with casting and forging supply chains. Successful applications have focused on rapid tooling and solutions for low-volume production applications such as customization, but high-volume production and larger components remain a challenge for AM implementation. Barriers to adoption include the cost of AM production tied to large capital investment and low AM build rates, the need for suitable and cost-effective materials, and a lack of materials and process data and standards, leading to lengthy and costly qualification.


Ante Lausic, General Motors, USA
Thierry Marchione, Caterpillar, USA
Simon Pun, Divergent, USA

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Industrial Sector: Medical

The medical industry continues to be a key sector to take advantage of additive manufacturing (AM) technology. AM’s unique capability to design and rapidly fabricate complex geometries economically using a diverse array of materials has enabled the ever-growing adoption of this technology in biomedical applications. Hence, the availability of patient-specific biomedical devices with custom and complex designs are continuing to grow in the market. However, despite these tremendous opportunities that AM offers, the full potential of utilizing AM in the medical industry has yet to be fully explored. Advancements in regenerative medicine, medical device fabrication, medical education, health monitoring, diagnostic tools, and surgical planning are enabling the broader adoption of AM in the medical industry. In addition, special attention is required for the standardization, qualification, and certification protocols of these products.


David Dean, The Ohio State University, USA
Matthew Di Prima, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA
Laura Gilmour, LG Strategies, USA
Ryan Kircher, rms Company, USA
Guha Manogharan, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Sean McEligot, Mayo Clinic, USA

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Industrial Sector: Space

Spaceflight is a unique industry that utilizes several forms of advanced manufacturing (AM) to its fullest potential, often resulting in geometrically complex and integrated designs that can only be fulfilled by these processes that include additive manufacturing. Structural integrity, new materials, and novel designs are key enablers for AM; however, there is a need to revise current standards, qualifications, and certification practices before they can be fully Leveraged for AM parts used in spaceflight applications.


Tim Berry, JetZero, USA
Christo Dordlofva, GKN Aerospace, United Kingdom
Andrew Norman, European Space Agency, USA
Rick Russell, Northrop Grumman, USA
John Vickers, NASA, USA

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Industry 4.0: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The rapid advancement and increased adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in industry has      coincided with, and in many instances been enabled by, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) methods, including machine learning (ML). The various steps of the AM process generate massive quantities of diverse, multimodal data. Furthermore, if recorded, the operational performance of a component during its service life generates valuable data. Besides generated data, the AM processes can be controlled by changing and optimizing many parameters using AI and ML. Hence, both data and parameters make AM a great candidate for AI and ML applications to further understand and improve the AM process and product quality, if the data can be structured and registered, and the parameters made clear, consistent, and comparable.


Shaw Feng, NIST, USA
Jia (Peter) Liu, Auburn University, USA
Simon McCaldin, Authentise, United Kingdom
Luke Scime, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA

Industry 4.0: Data Management

Additive manufacturing (AM) is uniquely characterized by large amounts of data generated from various steps of the AM process. These steps include design, process planning, building, in-situ monitoring, post-processing, inspection, characterization, and testing, as well as the operating performance of an AM component during its service life. While such data can be used to understand key process variables (KPVs) and support decision-making, the management of the distributed, big data has become a challenge. Methods of AM data annotation, acquisition, transformation, registration, storage, analysis, security, traceability, interpretation, and sharing have yet to be fully explored. Although many companies have developed internal procedures to address the above challenges, the AM community would benefit from standards and best practices that are widely accepted and available to the public, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Peter Coutts, Pennsylvania State University, USA
James Fonda, Boeing, USA
Mike Vasquez, 3Degrees Consulting, USA

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Industry 4.0: Modeling, Simulation, and Digital Twins

This symposium focuses on recent advances in modeling, simulation, and digital twins that support qualification and certification of higher criticality parts built by an additive manufacturing (AM) process, e.g., powder-bed fusion, direct energy deposition, etc. Here, we will focus on state-of-the-art models and simulations that are firmly in the middle of the technical readiness level (TRL) scale and, upon further maturation, which will enable industry and government to continue expanding their use for practical applications, including qualification and certification, of AM components. To build credibility for their models and simulations, researchers should invoke best practices, including verification, validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty reduction, sensitivity studies, and demonstration problems. Symposium topics include probabilistic methods, integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), digital twins, process modeling, machine learning (ML)/artificial intelligence (AI), surrogate modeling, and insights gained from physics-based and data-driven simulations.


Nicholas Mulé, Boeing, USA
Shuai Shao, Auburn University, USA
James Sobotka, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), USA
Soheil Soghrati, Ohio State University, USA
Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh, USA

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Industry 4.0: Robotics and Automation

Advanced Manufacturing (AM) technologies are the latest advancements in the CAD/CAM field of the last few decades. These technologies have enabled faster prototyping and optimized part geometries, leading to increased innovation and speed to market. Combining robotics and automation with AM processes unlocks new production capabilities and scale. The current challenge is to bring more of this technology to the production line, which can increase production efficiency while improving product quality and consistency, reducing labor costs, and enhancing safety. This symposium aims to bring together industry experts from robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing to discuss these challenges, share new capabilities, and propose strategies to take the next step forward.


Azadeh Haghighi, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Matthew Robinson, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), USA
Sina Sareh, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom
Milt Walker, Intel, USA

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Industry 4.0: Security

Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology enables extraordinarily complex part designs. Thus, AM processes may require a great deal of information sharing via an organization’s internal distributed manufacturing network and, because AM is amenable to outsourcing and e-commerce business models, over the global internet. As AM equipment becomes more interconnected with other components of Industry 4.0, the risk increases of exposure to a variety of cyber, cyber-physical attacks and even exploitation of this data to produce counterfeit parts. While established cyber- and IT-security solutions are needed, they might not always be adequate to protect the emerging manufacturing environment. Therefore, the security of AM should be addressed holistically. This includes, but is not limited to, identifying cyber-security threats in AM, assessing the risks they pose, and determining how best to manage the risk. By improving AM security, we can strengthen the business case for adopting AM technology. This symposium specifically explores the security aspects of AM in an Industry 4.0 environment.


Chris Adkins, Materialise, USA
Jason Daniels, Integrity Training Consulting, USA
Joshua Lubell, NIST, USA
Mark Yampolskiy, Auburn University, USA

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Non-Metallic Materials: Ceramics

This symposium focuses on progress in additively manufactured ceramic materials with an emphasis on the latest advancements with reference to material properties, mechanical performance, novel applications, and use cases. Symposium topics include ceramics, ceramic composites, multi-material systems, UHTCs, electronics, and more. In addition, this symposium will highlight the maturation of additive manufacturing technologies and processes with these ceramic materials and how they work together to produce complex geometries with suitable structural and functional properties.


Shawn Allen, Lithoz, USA
Brandon Cox, Honeywell, USA
Jason Jones, Moog Inc., USA
Russell Maier, NIST, USA
Sadaf Sobhani, Cornell University, USA

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Non-Metallic Materials: Polymers

With a focus on progress in polymer materials for additive manufacturing, this symposium has an emphasis on the latest advancements related to material and process standardization, mechanical performance, and unique test standards. The need for documented design, analysis, qualification and certification methods, novel applications, and requirements for a trained workforce are also critical areas for discussion. In addition, this symposium will highlight the maturation of additive manufacturing technologies and processes with these polymer materials and how they work to produce complex geometries with suitable structural and functional properties.


Thomas Fabian, Blue Sky Polymer Consulting, USA
Jessica Hemond, TE Connectivity, USA
Callie Higgins, NIST, USA
Karl Nelson, Stratasys, USA
Michael Pecota, NAVAIR, USA
Richard Schmidt, Interactive Inks & Coatings, USA

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Value Chain: Advanced Topics in AM: Qualification, New Materials, and Post-Processing

Additive manufacturing (AM) is facilitating establishment of rapid qualification and certification of processes, materials, and components. This symposium offers a forum for discussion of the pathway from traditional to rapid qualification and certification, as well as development of new materials and post-processing techniques for AM.


Thomas Broderick, FAA, USA
Cory Cunningham, Boeing, USA
Nik Hrabe, NIST, USA
Tim Lantzsch, Fraunhofer ILT, Germany
Christopher Ledford, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Elena López, Fraunhofer IWS, Germany

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Value Chain: Design

One of the critical success factors to making the most out of Additive Manufacturing (AM) is to utilize Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) fundamentals and optimization techniques to take advantage of the design freedom that additive manufacturing enables. As AM technology evolves, design and optimization go beyond the traditional user-CAD input. Engineers also need to factor in stress analysis, thermal analysis, process simulation, microstructural evolution modeling, material-process-microstructure-property relationships, and cost estimation to effectively influence the design of AM components. Understanding and applying DfAM fundamentals and current state-of-the-art optimization and AI techniques are critical to creating quality, value-added solutions, accelerating the adoption of AM, and reducing the time and cost of AM implementation.


Dhruv Bhate, Arizona State University, USA
David Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology/A*STAR, USA/Singapore
Timothy Simpson, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Andrew Thompson, Northrop Grumman, USA

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Value Chain: Directed Energy Deposition

Directed energy deposition (DED) processes offer many unique capabilities for component manufacturing and repair applications. Many industries, including aerospace, energy, mining, marine, tooling, and construction, have begun realizing the benefits of these processes in recent years, while other industries are still in the nascent stages of adoption.


Frank Brückner, Fraunhofer IWS, Germany
Paul Gradl, NASA-MSFC, USA
Carl Hauser, TWI, United Kingdom
Filomeno Martina, WAAM3D, United Kingdom
Misael Pimentel, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), United Kingdom
Baily Thomas, Boeing, USA

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Value Chain: Environmental and Corrosion

Additive manufacturing (AM) has evolved over the past decade. While research has primarily focused on the evaluation of microstructure characterization and mechanical performance, limited emphasis was placed on environmentally induced degradation modes. Hence, it is critical to understand environmental effects (e.g., corrosion, environmental assisted cracking, etc.) on AM alloys to enable informed use in structural components for engineering applications. Numerous studies demonstrated significant differences in both microstructure and corrosion properties between AM alloys and conventionally processed alloys. It is of significant importance to understand the mechanism of such phenomena and thus be able to model their linkages. It is also reported that post-processing techniques such as heat treatment, surface treatment, or coating may influence the performance of AM alloys against environmental effects. On the characterization side, most studies have utilized legacy standards for corrosion testing. While these legacy standards may be applicable, further considerations may still be required.


Jiadong Gong, QuesTek Innovations, USA
Rajeev Gupta, North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Melia, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Matt Sanders, Stress Engineering, USA
Nicole Tailleart, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), USA

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Value Chain: Fatigue and Fracture

The rapid adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) across numerous industry sectors with a wide variety of applications requires methodologies for the characterization and mitigation of risk arising from material flaws. For safety-critical applications, it is particularly important to understand how material characteristics and process defects typical to AM (e.g., pores, lack of fusion, surface roughness, etc.) affect component integrity. Understanding these effects is complicated by the lack of historical data, the potential for variability in AM processes, and the rapid evolution of the technology. The qualification, certification, and safe continued use of AM products in fatigue critical applications will depend not only on a basic understanding of damage mechanisms and the associated behavior of typical AM defects, but also on the development of robust, validated models and software for predicting fatigue life and fracture risk. In addition, the applicability of current fatigue and fracture standards needs to be evaluated to identify standardization gaps for generating the necessary supporting materials data.


Stefano Beretta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Thomas Niendorf, University of Kassel, Germany
Jutima Simsiriwong, University of North Florida, USA
William Tilson, NASA-MSFC, USA
Zachary Whitman, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, USA

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Value Chain: Feedstock Characterization, Specification and Reuse

Additive manufacturing (AM) feedstocks are available for a broad range of material types and come in various forms (e.g., powder, wire, filament, inks). New offerings are continuously introduced to the market with varied and unique characteristics. In some cases, the impact of feedstock characteristics on the process and part quality are not fully understood quantitatively. Therefore, a proper understanding of AM feedstock characteristics and the quantification of their performance during manufacturing is essential for the production of AM parts with repeatable quality, be it for fresh or reused feedstock materials. New characterization methods, acceptance criteria, and standards need to be developed for the complete and reliable characterization of feedstock materials.


Ronald Aman, Amaero, USA
Louis-Philippe Lefebvre, National Research Council Canada (NRC Canada), Canada
Frederic Marion, GE Additive – AP&C, Canada
Amir Nobari, Tekna, Canada
Tony Thornton, Micromeritics, USA

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Value Chain: In-Situ Monitoring and In-Process Control

As the field of Additive Manufacturing (AM) quickly evolves and is increasingly adopted by industry, in-situ monitoring and in-process control will become crucial pillars in enhancing yield, improving print quality, reducing the costs of non-destructive evaluation (NDE), and accelerating qualification and certification. The AM community recognizes that integrated efforts across the AM value chain to accelerate standardization of in-situ monitoring and control methods can play a significant role in advancing AM industrial adoption.


Jack Beuth, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Ajay Krishnan, EWI, USA
Erin Lanigan, The Barnes Global Advisors, USA
Edward (Ted) Reutzel, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Zackary Snow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA

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Value Chain: Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior

The unique microstructural features and potential flaws in components fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM) result in key performance metrics and characteristics that may differ from their conventionally manufactured counterparts. These distinctive features include strong textured microstructures, AM specific material flaws, surface irregularities, and more.
To understand the impact of these unique AM microstructural and surface features on the material properties and consequently on parts performance, it is crucial to conduct thorough investigations through physical testing, as well as developing material models to simulate processing and resultant properties. While established testing standards exist for deriving various mechanical properties, it has become evident that conventional procedures may not always be applicable to AM materials due to the unique nature of the fabrication process.

This symposium aims to address the challenges posed by the unconventional thermophysical phenomena, mechanical characteristics and property dependencies observed under different conditions, such as various geometries, process parameters, and post-processing. The topics covered in this symposium will delve into these crucial aspects, providing insights into the complexities associated with the microstructural characteristics of AM materials and their implications on overall material properties and parts performance.


Allison Beese, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jimmy Campbell, Plastometrex, United Kingdom
Amanda Cruchley, The MTC, United Kingdom
Joy Gockel, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Jonathan Pegues, Castheon Inc., USA
Swee Leong Sing, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

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Value Chain: Non-Destructive Evaluation and Inspection

While destructive evaluation methods such as mechanical testing and microstructural characterizations are often used to evaluate the mechanical performance of additively manufactured (AM) materials and parts, non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods can provide significant insights without the need for sectioning and damaging the part. Since the presence of defects (e.g., pores, lack of fusion, surface roughness, etc.) often influences the mechanical performance of AM parts significantly, understanding the critical characteristics (such as type, size, and distribution) and location of these defects is key to managing performance expectations, and qualification and serviceability.


Anton Du Plessis, Stellenbosch University/Comet Technologies Canada, South Africa/Canada
Ben Dutton, The MTC, UK
Patrick Howard, GE Aviation, USA
Felix Kim, NIST, USA
Philip Riegler, Norsk Titanium, USA

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Value Chain: Sinter-Based AM Technologies

Sinter-Based Additive Manufacturing (SBAM) processes offer improved resolution and surface finish, wider choice of materials, and increased build speed compared to fusion-based AM processes, resulting in lower production costs and enabling new applications. Sinter-based AM processes now include several technologies as defined in ISO/ASTM 52900: Binder Jetting (BJT), Material Extrusion (MEX), Material Jetting (MJT), and Vat Photopolymerization (VPP). There is also the emergence of several new SBAM technologies such as hybrid processes that rely on both additive and subtractive processes, 3D Screen printing, and 3D printing of multi-materials. Unique to these sinter-based processes, the powder feedstock is selectively bound together with a binding agent during the printing process to produce what is commonly referred to as a “green” part. Secondary debinding and sintering steps are then required to remove the binding agent and consolidate the powder material to the desired final part density. While the potential of these new technologies is high, there are still challenges being addressed to achieve the economy and scale these technologies promise and standardization needed to reach a positive inflection point in industry adoption.


Animesh Bose, Optimus Alloys, USA
Efrain Carreño-Morelli, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES⁠-⁠SO), Switzerland
Amy Elliott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
Paul Prichard, Kennametal, USA
Benoit Verquin, CETIM, France

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Value Chain: Sustainability and Economics

In a relatively short time, additive manufacturing has developed from prototyping technology to an operational tooling and manufacturing platform. The ever-present economic drivers along with the rise in global focus on the environmental impact of manufacturing is driving the adoption and implementation of advanced technologies and manufacturing methods, including additive manufacturing.


Ramona Fayazfar, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Marius Lakomeic, EOS, Germany
Sherri Monroe, AMGTA, USA
Behrang Poorganji, Nikon AM Synergy, USA

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Student Presentation and Poster Competition

Graduate and undergraduate students are cordially invited to participate in the student presentation and poster competition. See the Students section for more details!

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Keynote Presentations

  • The Boeing Company

    Melissa Orme

    Advances in Additive Manufacturing Enabling Scale, Quality, and Positive Sustainability Trades

  • GKN Aerospace - Defense

    David Bond

    Challenges and Opportunities for Building a Resilient Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Supply Chain

  • Wohlers Associates, powered by ASTM International

    Terry Wohlers

    A Realistic View of the Future of AM

  • Stryker AMagine® Institute

    Naomi Murray

    Making Healthcare Better: How AM is Helping Stryker to Develop Innovative Solutions to Unmet Customer Needs

  • Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

    HON Aprille Ericsson, Ph.D.

    DoD Perspective on Advanced Manufacturing

Panel Discussions



Student Presentation and Poster Competition

Graduate and undergraduate students submitted their cutting-edge research at ICAM 2024 to participate in the Student Presentation Symposium and the Student Poster Session.

Student presentations and posters were be judged by a select group of Scientific Organizing Committee members on the quality of presentation, technical content presented, and adherence to the instructions provided. The first, second, and third place winners were announced during the ICAM 2023 Awards Ceremony and presented with plaques and cash prizes.

Student Presentation Competition

Student Poster Competition

1st place $500.00

View Student Competition Winners



Three prestigious sets of awards were announced at ICAM 2024 during the Awards Ceremony held on Wednesday, October 30 in Atlanta, GA in addition to the Student Competition winners.

Young Professional in Additive Manufacturing

The ASTM AM CoE established the Society Recognized Award in 2019 to honor emerging young professionals who have consistently made remarkable research contributions to the additive manufacturing field, particularly in advancing standardization development. Up to 10 Young Professional Awards will be chosen for this category.

Additive Manufacturing Awards of Excellence

The ASTM AM CoE introduced the Society Recognized Award in 2019 to honor members who have consistently made notable contributions in Research, Education, Standardization, or Industrialization within the additive manufacturing field. This award category will feature four individual awards, each representing excellence in Research, Education, Standardization, and Industrialization.

Advanced Manufacturing Lifetime Achievement Award

The ASTM AM CoE established the Society Recognized Award in 2023 to honor members who have made enduring contributions in Research, Education, Standardization, and/or Industrialization of Advanced Manufacturing. This award acknowledges individuals with exceptional careers and significant contributions to the advanced manufacturing field. One individual award will be presented annually in this category.

View Past Award Winners




Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporting organizations!





Short Certificate Courses

On Sunday, October 27 in Atlanta, GA, before ICAM 2024, four short certificate courses were held. These courses were led by esteemed members of the AM community and industry experts, focusing on the following subjects.
Note that these courses are not included in the standard registration.

Assigning Part Classifications for AM Parts Based on Consequence of Failure
Sunday, October 27 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


About the Course

The use of additive manufacturing (AM) technology allows designs that may not be achieved with traditional manufacturing methods. It is important to understand the risk associated with the AM usage by understanding the consequence of failure (including the loss of intended function) of the usage. Such information can be beneficial in establishing consistent manufacturing, inspection requirements including NDE, or qualification processes relative to a defined risk scale, which can serve as supporting data when seeking regulatory approval of an AM part. A part classification scheme based on a part’s consequence of failure can provide a consistent risk metric. Without carefully defined part classes, the ability to accurately gauge the consequence of failure associated with additively manufactured aviation parts within and across programs, projects, and suppliers becomes exceedingly difficult, resulting in mitigations that are either not commensurate or inconsistent. The part classification scheme documented in F3572 does not affect a part’s functional requirements, but rather is used to group additive manufacturing aviation parts into categories which can be used in downstream standards. This workshop will provide the necessary guidance on the application of F3572 to AM parts used by your organization to help meeting aviation regulatory certification requirements.

Course Level: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

  • -Get a high-level understanding of the risks associated with AM components
  • -Have considerations about the consequence of part failure
  • -Plan qualification program based on parts classification
  • -Create a scheme for part classification

Course Instructors


Shane Collins, Wohlers Associates, powered by ASTM International
Charles Park, Supernal


Essentials of Metal Powders for Additive Manufacturing
Sunday, October 27 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

About the Course

Metallic powders serve as the foundational material for metal additive manufacturing technologies, including Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) and powder-based Directed Energy Deposition (DED). Understanding the entire life cycle of these metal powders is crucial, as numerous variables significantly influence the powder quality, ultimately affecting the final quality of the manufactured parts.

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the various aspect of metal powders essential for working with powder-based technologies.

Course Level: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

  • -Metal Powder production techniques
  • -What happens after atomization?
  • -Applicable standards for for metal powders for AM operations
  • -What to put in a powder specification
  • -Metal powder testing and characterization
  • -Impact of powder characteristics
  • -Powder handling and storage
  • -Metal powder life cycle management

Course Instructors

Eric Bono, Amaero
Frédéric Marion, AP&C, a Colibrium Additive Company

Implementation of AM for Critical Applications
Sunday, October 27 – 1:00 – 5:00 pm

About the Course

As additive manufacturing processes are getting into mainstream industrial production, the next horizon is to see more high criticality components being put into operational service and higher volumes of production.

Key topics will include:
– What do AM engineers need to know about Structural Integrity, and how does it influence our approaches? What do Structural Integrity engineers need to know about AM…?
– Latest trends – application of Standards to Safety Critical Industries
– How to leverage Certification against Standards
– Requirements – ensure that ‘certification is proportional to criticality’
– Opportunities and Challenges
– Latest progress for Inspection and Acceptance Routes

This short course will include an interactive workshop, where the participants will be able to share experiences and lessons learnt through demonstrable case studies.

Course Level: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

You will learn the latest movements in Additive Manufacturing, based on global trends, which can steer your business towards the right applications. To do this, you will learn about the Standards landscape and how to leverage this through certification and de-risking your operations. Routes to Certification will be discussed, as well as current examples of how AM is being used in industries such as Aviation.

Course Instructors

Martin White, ASTM International
Ben Dutton, The Manufacturing Technology Centre

Exploring Materials and Manufacturing Strategies Using Directed Energy Deposition based Additive Manufacturing
Sunday, October 27 – 1:00 – 5:00 pm

About the Course

Additive manufacturing (AM) provides a tremendous opportunity to synergistically couple materials, design, and manufacturing strategies. This seminar would focus on the fundamentals, current state of art and future of one such AM modality – the Directed Energy Deposition (DED) technique. Much of the content would be a scientific deep dive on alloy development techniques, coupled with DED-driven manufacturing strategies such as convergent manufacturing and hybrid manufacturing. Collaborative efforts on implementing in-situ monitoring capabilities and multiscale modeling approaches to help develop robust feedback and feed forward loops would also be discussed. Some of the concepts shared would be material agnostic and can be beneficial for fabricating next generation large scale structural components for a wide range of applications in aerospace, nuclear, defense and energy sectors.

Course Level: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

Develop an understanding of:

  • -Fundamentals of DED and introduction to various DED modalities
  • -Traditional and novel alloy fabrication capabilities
  • -Convergent manufacturing strategies
  • -Multiscale Modeling and In-situ monitoring
  • -Current Large Scale AM opportunities

Course Instructor

Soumya Nag, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

AM CoE by the Numbers

With decades of experience in additive manufacturing, our team of experts is integral to our work. With team members located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, the AM CoE is able to provide agile support for global initiatives.


Partners and Collaborators
Technical Experts

How can I participate?

  • Support through Research and Development

    Through the AM CoE, research priorities are identified by the top minds in the field and are matched from the start to the standards that need to be generated to ensure the resulting AM technology’s success.

  • Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization

    Consortia for Materials Data & Standardization (CMDS) enables companies of all sizes from across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem to collaborate on standardizing the best practices for materials data generation.

  • Explore On-Demand Webinars

    The webinar series provides guidance sessions on multiple and diverse topics in AM Design, Fabrication, Post-processing, Mechanical testing, Non-destructive evaluation, Applications, and Qualification and Certification.

  • Education & Workforce Development

    Comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances to respond to industry needs and leverage standardization, certification, and AM CoE partner expertise.